• Your plan for success begins here

  • A place where vision meets precision

  • efficiency, accurate calculation, creating masterpieces within a predetermined deadline.

Ana- Li Project

 is an innovative, advanced and state-of-the-art web platform for digitalization of core business processes and improvement of the overall operation of companies in the field of construction.

The innovativeness consists of managing the entire execution process, integration of construction norms and standards as well as with the existing BIM (Building Information Models) standards and software such as Revit, Archicad, Tekla and similar standards and software, for projecting and designing construction facilities and minimizing the differences between
the project and the constructed facility.

The software platform for digitalization of the production process in construction is accompanied by the entire documentation, which remains in the database and can be used for additional analyses for the current project,
but also as archival data for future projects.

The innovativeness consists of managing the entire execution process, integration of construction norms and standards as well as with the existing BIM (Building Information Models) standards and software such as Revit, Archicad, Tekla and similar standards and software, for projecting and designing construction facilities and minimizing the differences between
the project and the constructed facility.

The software platform for digitalization of the production process in construction is accompanied by the entire documentation, which remains in the database and can be used for additional analyses for the current project,
but also as archival data for future projects.


In just a few minutes, get a detailed construction plan for your construction project.

Functional parts of the software platform:

Electronic file of construction projects

Loading project positions and detailed data from IFC files

Pre-measurement control through detailed data from IFC files, calculation of construction time, calculation of amounts, offers, tenders, etc.

Creation of dynamic plans and connection with a real calendar (network plan and Gantt chart)

Electronic communication between participants in the process and movement of complete documentation

Construction diary, construction book and temporary situations for subcontractors and investors

Control of consumed materials (comparison of calculated costs from the calculations and actual quantities of materials taken according to the material operation



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